My friend has recently had 2 miscarriages and plus I am 7.5 months pregnant.
I really want to show her I care and understand, what is the most tactful way to write in a card to her and would it be rude to send a sympathy card or a blank type of card with flowers on it?
I am trying to be very sensitive to her feelings and are assuming this is what shes going through because of the way she has been of late. I want to acknowledge what has happened, also do I put her boyfriends name in the card? I really dont know how he is coping with it but I do know that he wasnt supportive of her pregnancy the first time then she miscarried, is a little awkward. Any ideas?
How do I write this in a card?
I%26#039;d probably go with a %26quot;Thinking of You%26quot; or %26quot;Just Because%26quot; type of card. A blank card would also be good, although you might have more trouble writing to her in that way. I%26#039;d shy away from mentioning anything about the miscarriages, especially a Sympathy card. You don%26#039;t want to bring too much attention to it. She%26#039;ll probably know why you sent a card at all, but I%26#039;d focus on just telling her how much you mean to her, that you were thinking of her, and maybe bring up some moment (preferably a funny one) which reminded you of her. No doubt it will make her cry, but hopefully it will be for positive reasons.
Reply:i think i would give a blank card and just write inside %26quot;thinking of you, i am here when you are ready to talk%26quot; then she knows u are there for her
i do feel for you both
all the best xxx
Reply:buy a friend card... one that says how much she means to you. when you write in it tell her your thinking of her at this sad time, your always there for her if she needs to talk x
Reply:if i were you i would buy a nice card and just sign it and bring it to her personally with flowers. She needs a friend right now, more than anything else.
Reply:I don%26#039;t know if a card is the best way. A hug and some heartfelt words of sympathy or, if you don%26#039;t live close to her, a phone call. Many people are devestated when they miscarry, but don%26#039;t tell others how bad they feel, so you might want to give her an opening to talk about it. Don%26#039;t bring up your pregnancy and please don%26#039;t say %26quot;I know how you feel%26quot; unless you%26#039;ve had a miscarriage of your own.
Reply:Thinking of you card! That way they will know that you care about them and you are thinking about them!
Reply:Keep it simple. Let her know that some people are just too good for this earth and that you love her and are there for her. Include the boyfriend too. After all, he is the father. I do not suggest telling her you understand what she is going through if you have never lost a child. I didnt like when people told my sister that. I wish you both all the best-
Reply:Send HER a %26quot;Thinking of You%26quot; or %26quot;Because We%26#039;re Friends%26quot; type card that has a mild pre-printed message within or one that allows you to freely write inside. You DO NOT need to specifically address the issue. Once your card states that you%26#039;re concerned about and care for the person, give her some words that help her to understand that she%26#039;s got GOOD friends like yourself. Then, be done with it. If she wants to be open about things with you, she will. However, you must let her determine when/where/how she will address the situation.
Do well!! Be blessed!!!
Reply:Probably better to get a %26#039;thinking of you%26#039; card ^as mentioned above^ or a blank pretty card.
Definitely address it to both of them as it has happened to both of them - however he is coping.
Keep it simple with the words as sometimes when you are trying to express your sympathies it can come across as %26#039;too much%26#039;.
Be a good friend and support her - you cant help that you are pregnant and Im sure she is happy for you (Maybe if she is really close then ask her to be a godparent to your baby - it will make her feel special and needed at a time in her life where she is probably feeling quite low and useless)
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